Tag Archives: Authentication

Steps To Improve The Security For Your Website

You are looking for the most secure web logins on your site.

Secure Your Website 2FA

You know nowadays you’re at greater risk, because cyber crime grows. You realize there’s a good chance your website will be hacked at some point.

We want to show you about how you can reduce your risk of being hacked.



On this webinar, you will learn:

•  Stronger web account and transaction security
•  Lower loss rates and fewer problems to handle
•  Improved customer loyalty and less churn
•  Reduced risk of fraud, reputation damage
•  Enables new business models and revenue streams
•  Trust in online systems

Webinar 11/20

Most online attacks and identity crime happens because of passwords hacked and stolen.

Many users have too many accounts to track; they can’t remember passwords, have too many to manage, and choose to reuse them.

There are big losses and costs to us all. We know that IT security pros want to protect us, but they offer us solutions which are too hard to use, too costly, complex, and irritating.


Your hosts are Doug Skinner author for a Guide to Password Management at Honest Intentions, and Ignacio Abel, Principal at ASAP Uruguay

We offer secure website logins in a better way.