Tag Archives: Windows 8

Our Hands-On Workshops in the NorCal Area for Cloud Info Innovators

The first week of June 2013, Wed 6/5, Thur 6/6, and Fri 6/7 we are hosting a special series of lab exercises in the bay area.  No need to bring your own gear.  We have eleven Lenovo Windows 8 Yoga Laptops, as featured above by Microsoft CFO and CMO Tami Reller.

The Ultimate Beginners’ Hands-On Lab for Windows 8 & Office 365

Intentional Management Hands-On WorkshopSan Francisco

East Bay


  • San Ramon Thursday morning June 6


  • Sacramento Friday June 7

IMI offers Hands-On Workshop at Microsoft Office

Hands On Lab Intentional management Doug Skinner host

Our Hands-On Lab Events in the Bay Area for Mobile Info Innovators

The first week of March 2013, Tues 3/5, Wed 3/6, and Thur 3/7 we are hosting a special series of lab exercises in the bay area.  No need to bring your own gear.  We have eleven Lenovo Windows 7/8 Yoga Laptops, as featured above by Microsoft CFO and CMO Tami Reller.  Our locations:

San Francisco

East Bay

Silicon Valley

  • Milpitas Tuesday afternoon March 5

Intentional Management hosts Hands on Lab in San Francisco